Emergencies or scheduled days off happen occasionally during the school year. Are you prepared for a substitute teacher to take over your classroom for the day, several days, or longer? Do you have activities or a planned schedule for your sub? If your day off was expected and you had plenty of time to organize a plan–Great! But what do you have set up for those unexpected days off?
Many of us kindergarten teachers would prefer not to have the substitute teach new concepts to our students. But what do we do when we don’t have anything prepared or available for the fill-in to use for our class? Look no further!!!! This Kindergarten Sub Tub is a great product that you can use throughout the year for your substitute teacher as well as review.
This printable, downloadable product has 38 different activities for your kindergarten students. These are simple and easy for your substitute teacher to explain to your class.
What’s Included: Total of 38 Activities
•All About Name Activities (8 pages – 4 activities)
•Dry Erase Letter Mat Activities (3 pages – 11 activities)
•Beginning Sound (6 pages – 3 activities)
•Ending Sound (3 pages – 3 activities)
•Middle Sound ( 4 pages – 4 activities)
•Rhyming (5 pages – 3 activities)
•CVC Words (3 pages – 3 activities)
•Numbers 0 – 5 (3 pages – 3 activities)
•Numbers 0 – 10 (5 pages – 4 activities)
These are also perfect for review and can be used in individual, small group, or whole groups. They can be printed and used at your literacy and math stations as well.
You will love to keep this Sub Tub on hand for that unforeseen absence in addition to review work throughout the school year.
If you need more substitute teacher ideas, CLICK HERE for post on TEACHER ORGANIZATION IDEAS.
I’m always looking for new ideas.