
Do you need ideas for teaching your little learners syllables? Great! I’m sharing my best tips, ideas and activities for helping students understand and master the skill of syllables.

My best tips and ideas for teaching syllables to little learners. Examples of activities that I share using the gradual release model.

Syllables and rhyming go hand in hand. Since both are auditory skills, the focus is on listening and processing, rather then manipulating and using props and tactile pieces. You can also think of these skills as, “lights out, eyes closed” activities…like you can literally close your eyes and practice. Students don’t HAVE to have a visual element to learn or practice rhyming & syllables. They can use picture supports, but it is not required.

When Do You Begin Teaching Rhyming and Syllables

I teach rhyming along with syllables during the first 1-2 weeks of school because students do not need the skill of letter recognition to learn these skills. This is solely a auditory skill.

Check out blog post “Phonological and Phonemic Awareness: Know Better, Do Better – Summer Book Study 2022 – Chapter 3” for more on this subject.


Although students do not need any visual resources to learn rhyming and syllable skills, this does not mean resources should not be used. Here are some resources available.

Here is everything you need for introducing, teaching & practicing syllables with your little learners!

What’s Included:

Don’t forget to teach rhyming along with syllables. Both are important skills to learn early on in the school year.


L Don’t skip out on teaching Rhyming! It’s such an important phonological awareness skill.⭐️Use picture books, an interactive anchor chart, pocket chart sorting, as well as independent practice activities to help teach and provide purposeful practice for your student.🌟And the best part?! 💖I created the Rhyming Kit for Little Learners and it has ALL of this (except the picture books)😉l✋🏼Comment with your favorite way yo pra tice rhyming! #kindergartenchaos #iteachk #backtoschool2022

♬ original sound – Kindergarten Chaos ✏️Abbie

Go to blog post “How to Teach Rhyming to Little Learners” for more information and ideas.

Anchor Charts

Using an interactive anchor chart with clip art and interactive syllable pictures helps instruct and reinforce syllable skills for your little learners. This is where I use a puppet to hum, a clapper to accentuate syllables, and a shark mouth toy. Using these props help cement the syllable concept for kindergarten students. They love the fun props.


Do you have the Syllables Kit for Little Learners? You can find it in my Kindergarten Chais shop or TpT store! #kindergartenchaos #iteachk #backtoschool2022 #tiktokteacher #learningisfun #handsonlearning

♬ original sound – Kindergarten Chaos ✏️Abbie

Check out post “Must-Make Kindergarten Anchor Charts” and “Classroom Management Anchor Charts” for more information and ideas on anchor charts.

Pocket Chart Activity

This pocket chart activity can be modeled by you the teacher, or you can have students demonstrate how to use this activity. Don’t forget that this activity can be used as a whole or small group game. But I like to keep this activity in my pocket chart station for the students to practice their syllables! The year round syllable pocket chart activity is the perfect independent practice activity.

Independent Practice

After you teach, model, and have group participation–you must have independent practice. As educators we know this is how we evaluated each child and their retention of the skill introduced. The independent practice pages included in the Syllable and Rhyming kit are easy prep and also help hone fine motor skills with cutting, coloring and pasting–all while reinforcing academic skills.

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