Word Mapping Say – Map – Write – CVC Segmenting Blending – Science of Reading


I have always had students ‘map’ CVC words. We have always done it on dry erase boards with 3 lines…1 line for each sound. Well, fast forward a few years and SOR and the knowledge of word mapping is in the forefront of education. We have more resources and understanding of how the brain works and resources that align to this teaching. I have created this word mapping frame, along with CVC word cards and worksheets. These activities are perfect for small group instruction and can extend out into independent practice at literacy stations or partner work.


I have always had students ‘map’ CVC words. We have always done it on dry erase boards with 3 lines…1 line for each sound. Well, fast forward a few years and SOR and the knowledge of word mapping is in the forefront of education. We have more resources and understanding of how the brain works and resources that align to this teaching. I have created this Word Mapping Say – Map – Write – CVC Segmenting Blending – Science of Reading activity that includes word mapping frame, along with CVC word cards and worksheets. These activities are perfect for small group instruction and can extend out into independent practice at literacy stations or partner work.


What’s Included:

  • Word Mapping Frame
  • Short A Word Cards (12)
    • cab, rat, pad, tag, bag, ham bat, can, fan, pan, van, map
  • Short E Word Cards (12)
    • web, bed, red, leg, den, hen, pen, jet, net, vet, ten wet
  • Short I Word Cards (12)
    • bib, lid, pig, pin, lip, zip, kit, sit, dip, wig, six, fin
  • Short O Word Cards (12)
    • box, hot, dog, cob, fox, rod, log, cop, mop, top, cot, pot
  • Short U Word Cards (12)
    • cub, tub, mug, rug, gum, bun, run, sun, sup, cut, hut, nut
  • (2) CVC Sound Mapping Worksheets
  • (2) CVC Sound Mapping Worksheets


Click here for PREVIEW of Word Mapping Say – Map – Write – CVC Segmenting Blending – Science of Reading



Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words. (This does not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.)
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary sound or many of the most frequent sounds for each consonant.

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