Teaching math to kindergarteners can be a fun and engaging experience. However, some concepts like teen numbers can be particularly challenging for them to grasp. Here are some tips on Teaching Teen Numbers To Little Learners.

Having explicitly taught the basics of numbers, it’s now time to introduce the tricky teen numbers to your little learners. Here are some of my favorite methods to teach these numbers to kindergarteners.
- Start with a number chart: A number chart can help your little learners visualize the numbers and identify patterns. Point to the numbers 10-19 and explain that these are called “teen numbers”. (All About Numbers 0-30 for Little Learners)

- Use manipulatives: Manipulatives like counting bears or blocks can help your students understand the concept of teen numbers. Start with 10 bears and add one more, explaining that now there are 11 bears. Repeat this process until you get to 19 bears. (Teen Number Activities For Little Learners)

- Play games: Games like “I Spy” or “What’s Missing?” can help your students recognize teen numbers. For example, say “I spy with my little eye something that has 15 dots.” or “What number is missing? 13, 14, ___, 16”.
- Sing songs: Singing songs like “Ten Little Indians” or “Fifteen Monkeys” can be a fun and interactive way for your kindergarteners to learn teen numbers.
- Practice, practice, practice: Make sure to give your little learners plenty of opportunities to practice identifying and writing teen numbers in various contexts, such as worksheets, coloring pages, or writing prompts. (Teen Numbers BUNDLE and Teen Number Activities For Little Learners)

By using these tips, you can help your kindergarteners develop a strong foundation in math and prepare them for more advanced concepts in the future.