
Why should we sprinkle a little number ordering magic in kindergarten? Because it’s crucial, of course! And if you’re on the hunt for some fun-tastic activities to jazz up this super important skill, look no further! Here are my top Ordering Numbers For Little Learners hands-on activities!

Ordering numbers is one of the first math skills we teach and practice in kindergarten. Why is this skill important?

Ordering numbers helps little learners:

Ordering Number Activities

  1. Number Line Hopscotch: Create a large number line on the floor using tape. Have your students hop from number to number in order, reinforcing their understanding of sequencing.
  2. Ordering Games with Cards: Use a deck of cards (or create number cards) and scatter them on a table. Your kindergartners can then put the cards in order from smallest to largest and vice versa.
  3. Storytime with Numbers: Read a story that includes numbers, such as counting books. After reading, ask your little learners to recall the numbers in the order they appeared in the story.
  4. Number Sorting with Objects: Provide various objects (like buttons, blocks, or toys) and have your kindergarteners group them by number. Then, have them arrange the groups from the smallest quantity to the largest.
  5. Ordering Numbers Bundle (TPT Store): Ordering Numbers Editable Weekly Math Activities Year Long Bundle 1-10 | 0-20

6. Number Puzzles (TPT Store): These number puzzles are customizable, enabling you to work with various sequences such as counting from 1 to 10, 11 to 20, by tens, or even starting from numbers other than 1.

    By incorporating these fun and interactive activities into your kindergarten curriculum, you can foster a love for numbers and ensure that your little learners develop essential skills in ordering numbers. This will not only aid their current learning but also set a solid foundation for their future mathematical endeavors.

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