
Teaching sentence writing to little learners can be a challenging task, but it is an essential literacy skill. Here are 7 Tips to Teach Sentence Writing To Little Learners, ensuring that they start their writing journey on the right foot.

Tip #1–Getting Started with the Basics

Before diving into full sentences, make sure your little learners have a solid foundation in letter recognition and formation. Practice identifying letters and writing them correctly. (Check out Letter ID Sound Station Center Ideas for some great ideas.) Pom Pom Fine Motor Phonics Activities is the prefect hands-on activity to practice letter ID.


🚨Just Released!!! ➡️ Pom Pom Phonics Activities🥰 This resource includes a variety of hands-on activities to practice letter recognition & building; beginning, middle, and ending sounds, Tic Tac Toe boards, and sound mapping! 🤫And a little secret…I have also released a Math Pom Pom and a combined BUNDLE!😉Even if you have finished the year or are almost done…you NEED this for next year!#kindergartenchaos #kindergarten #Education #handsonlearning #finemotorskills #finemotorskill

♬ Do It Better – Beachcrimes & Tia Tia

Tip #2–Introduce Sight Words

Sight words are common words that appear frequently in reading and writing. Introduce these words to your kindergarteners and practice writing them in isolation and in simple sentences. (Go to Hands-On Sight Word Activities For Little Learners for more tips and ideas.) Don’t forget about Assessing & Organizing Sight Words


I hat do you call ‘reading words’ in your classroom? Completely editable reading words kit. #MakingTheCut #backtoschool2021 #scienceofreading #teach

♬ The Magic Bomb (Questions I Get Asked) [Extended Mix] – Hoàng Read

Tip #3–Model Sentence Writing

Show your students how to write a sentence by writing a simple sentence on the board or Anchor Chart. Break it down into its parts (subject and predicate) and explain what each part does. Encourage your little learners to help you come up with a sentence. (Teaching Kindergartners How to Write a Sentence)


💡FREE IDEA💡Do your little learners need practice with decodable sentences? This is the perfect idea!🧠Use your students’ picture name cards to help create them! I wrote out 9 different decodable sentences on sentence strips and added them to the pocket chart. Add student name cards to each sentence and then give students a pointer to practice reading! I promise they will love decoding and reading sentences with their friends! Like❤️Save🛟Tag or Share↗️ #kindergartenchaos #teachingkindergarten #scienceofreading #sor

♬ original sound – Kindergarten Chaos

Tip #4–Practice Sentence Writing

Provide opportunities for your little learners to practice writing sentences on their own. Start with simple sentences using sight words and familiar vocabulary. As they become more comfortable, introduce new vocabulary and longer sentences. ((Writing Sentences Kindergarten)


🚨Today is the day to grab this awesome beginning writing resource for little learners! 🚌Start your school year off with these pocket chart activities and transition them into a writing station easily! Differentiated options and color coded options as well. Available in the Kindergarten Chaos Shop or TpT store! #kindergartenchaos #backtoschool2023📓 #kindergartentips #tiktokteacher #kindergartenwriting #kindergarten #kindergartenteacher

♬ Positive Nanana – Balang_3go

Tip #5–Provide Feedback

As your students write, provide feedback on their work. Praise their efforts and offer suggestions for improvement. Encourage them to read their sentences aloud to check for clarity and correctness.

Tip #6–Create a Writing Center

Set up a writing center in your classroom where your little learners can practice writing sentences independently. Include materials such as paper, pencils, sentence starters, and word banks to support their writing. (Creating Successful Writing Stations For Little Learners)

Tip #7–Make It Fun!!

Writing can be a challenging skill to learn, but it doesn’t have to be boring. Incorporate games and activities into your lessons to make writing more engaging and enjoyable for your kindergarten students. (Writing Kit for Little Learners)


You’ve been asking…so here it is!✏️The Writing Kit for Little Learners! This kit includes everything you need to get started with a beginning writers center or station! Alphabet Charts, Alphabet Journal Circle Maps, Label a Sticker, I Can Make a List, Editable Build and Write a Sentence, Writing Journal Covwrs for the entire year, drawing journal cover, primary writing paper with primary rubric and printing options, I Can Write a Book template and a developmentally appropriate research project template. Also includes an information page with pictures for each one! ➡️You definitely NEED this for your Little Writers! ✍🏼📝💛Love, Kindergarten Chaos #kindergartenchaos #backtoschool2023📓 #kindergartentips #tiktokteacher #kindergartenwriting #backtoschoolprep #kindergartenteacher #kindergarten

♬ Little Things – Tiqta

These tips and tricks are sure to help your little learners build a solid foundation in writing, and will prove to be useful throughout their lives. Encouraging them to practice this crucial skill is key to their future literacy success.

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