Summer Book Study – Week 4 – Chapter 4
Are you enjoying our Summer Book Study 2023 so far? I hope so…I know that I am. If you happened to need to catch up on any specific chapter, you can find them here:
KC – Chapter 1 : KC – Chapter 2 : KC – Chapter 3
KS – Chapter 1 : KS – Chapter 2 : KS – Chapter 3
This chapter starts to connect the geometry standards to play/activities in the classroom and how to make them intentional and purposeful. I found this to be so insightful, as the Geometry standards can sometimes be a challenge. And as pg 37 says, “Sometimes early grades teachers minimize attention to geometry because most children are able to quickly name a variety of shapes and even key attributes (such as the number of corners).” I love how this chapter explains how to teach and provide more in-depth experiences for this standard.
Chapter 4 Take Aways
- Working with physical objects/hands-on helps students develop the mental representations that will help them with more abstract representations (drawings and written descriptions) late. (pg 37)
- Build vocabulary when talking about shapes and the relationship they have to each other; this will help in problem-solving later (pg 38)
- Provide students opportunities to explore, build and create and increase level of difficulty
Highlights for Using Blocks & Legos
- Research proves that block play helps to develop spatial thinking and geometric reasoning (pg 38)
- Wooden blocks, Lego, Duplo, Unifix, magnetic blocks and snapping cubes are all perfect for exploring Geometry.
- Provide simple and more complex diagrams for students to use, but don’t require it.
- Make sure that ALL students get opportunities to use building materials; they are not Gender Specific
- Ask questions about the structures/units being created and encourage the use of mathematical terms, such as edge, face, triangular, etc.
- Provide or give opportunities for students to share what they built and allow others to ask questions about it

- Puzzles allow little learners to recognize shapes despite their orientation and to match the holes. (pg 43)
- Little Learners NEED puzzles! And research states that children who played with puzzles (at certain ages) performed better on a test of spatial skills. (pg 43)
- More exposure to puzzles, increases the skill of recognizing, manipulating shapes and composing/decomposing figures. (pg 43)
- First, puzzles are solved by trial and error. Then little learners progress to using strategies to solve puzzles more intentionally. Eventually, students will have the ability to hold a mental image of a geometric figure. (pg 43)
- Puzzle frames for pattern blocks are a great way for little learners find success with 2D and 3D shapes
- Scaffold puzzles and offer challenges throughout the school year; talk about strategies used to complete

Dolls and Housekeeping
- Pretend play is IMPORTANT! It develops ways of thinking that support mathematical understandings broadly. (pg 48)
- Placemats with places to set plate, fork, cup, etc., give students opportunities to match 2D representations to 3D objects. – Find HERE

- Play food that is ‘cut’, gives little learners visual and hands-on practice for composing and decomposing shapes
- Folding blankets or napkins encourages lines of symmetry
- Measuring cups and fillers, such as rice or large size pasta
Final Thoughts
- Centers/Stations/Free Play is so very important for young learners!
- You CAN make it intentional, purposeful and meet the standards authentically.
- ALL students should have an opportunity to ‘work’ in each station and with every type of materials, regardless of gender.
- Providing open play opportunities, allows little learners where exploration and discovery takes place authentically.
- Encourage mathematical terminology and vocabulary
- Ask questions and model what it looks like to observe and ask
- Facilitate opportunities for students to share and talk about what they created/built
- Use picture books to encourage experimenting and creativity
- Play simple games, like, What is in the Bag? (Describe attributes and features; students can also do the describing)
- Explicit instruction and gradual release model is NECESSARY and a VITAL part of Learning!

Excellent analysis of Chapter 4! Your reflections and takeaways provide a deeper understanding of the geometry standards. Fantastic blog!