Are you here to get your download of the Distance Learning Brain Bags? Yay, that’s awesome! I am so glad you are here. Now, here is the story on how these came to be…
As districts started shutting down last week, I knew it was just a matter of time until my district followed suit. I started to pay attention to other teachers who were now in this digital teaching zone. Many of them did not have advance notice of the closures and had zero time to prepare anything for their students. If you are one of those teachers…I’m sorry. 🙁
On Saturday, teachers and educational influencers began sharing TONS of resources that were available, along with a massive amount of freebies. I too, started sharing these on Instagram. But as the day went on, the list was getting longer and longer and more overwhelming! And the last thing that I or anyone else NEEDS right now, is the feeling of being overwhelmed!!
We finally got the news on Sunday evening from our Governor, that he was officially shutting down all K-12 schools until April 13. I started scrambling trying to get together something for my students. This was more than an extended break, but 4 weeks of in-class instruction being missed!
After visiting the many different links and digital resources available, I decided on plan for my kiddos. I would create a simple hands-on kit with inexpensive materials, so they could continue their active learning at home. I was going to include some of the websites that I felt offered the most value for my students, along with an accompanying schedule and specific ideas for the materials. Thus, the birth of the Distance Learning Brain Bags for Little Learners! After multiple requests for the printables, I have made them accessible for free immediately. (Unfortunately, I was not able to make them editable at this time. I am working on it though. There is a glitch with the program I am using and I am working with tech to troubleshoot the problem. As soon as I can get it to be editable, I will re-share.) In the meantime, take a deep breath and share these printables and cool Brain Bags!

What’s Inside the Distance Learning Brain Bag?
I purchased all supplies from my local Dollar Tree, but you could use what you have available or improvise.
Magnetic Drawing Board (Magna Doodle)
Distance Learning Brain Bag Printables
I taped the Brain Bag label to the front of the bag and wrote each student’s name on the bag. Each student got one each of the items listed above, along with all of the printables that I have included here. Before turning them into my admin, I also included the kinder & 1st sight word lists and their writing journal.
Questions You May Have
How did I pay for this? – I paid for all of the supplies with my own money. I was going to buy some other materials for my class, so it would be about the same and desperate times call for desperate measures!
How do students get the bags? – Our admin has an open pick-up available every morning this week for families to pick up. I am not sure what will happen if they don’t pick up their bag.
What if students don’t have internet or access to online resources? – The main reason why I included the printable list of simple ideas to continue learning that DO NOT require digital learning.
What do I expect my students to return? – The only thing I would like to see returned is their personalized sight word rings that I sent home, Everything else does not need to be returned.
How am I communicating with families? – I am using ClassDoJo, which I have used for years. Every single family is on and I communicate multiple times a day with them. I have been sharing their pictures that they have sent to me, along with pictures of me and my kids working on school!
While I don’t know what the outcome will be or how long we will be out of school, I do know that I can try and make a difference for my students!

The links on this page are not working.
Thank you!
Can you tell me what links you are trying to access? The links seem to be working on my end. Thanks for letting me know.
The links are not working properly for the Brain Bag!
The link has been updated and linked properly.