
First of all, congratulations for making it through another school year and HAPPY SUMMER! I know we are all excited to have a moment to pause, take a deep breath and relax a little. I too am excited for this, but I am also looking forward to taking time to reflect, make needed and wanted changes, and moving forward with my career. This is why I LOVE hosting and participating in Summer Book Study For Educators with my friend Greg from The Kindergarten Smorgasbord. This year we will be learning all about how to take a step forward with guided reading.

2018 Educator’s Summer Book Study:
The Next Steps In Guided Reading

2018 Educator's Summer Book Study: The Next Step Forward In Guided Reading

The book for this summer book study that we chose for this year is The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading: An Assess-Decide-Guide Framework for Supporting Every Reader  by Jan Richardson. 

The Next Steps In Guided Reading

I love that this book comes with the option of being spiral bound. This makes it so helpful to study with. Not sure why I get so excited about that, but it’s like the excitement of a laminator.

Why This Book?

Guided reading is an important part of teaching Kindergarten, isn’t it? This book is fabulous for helping educators step up their guided reading game! This book has incredible resources. It includes planning and instructional tools that will be needed to teach guided reading from a pre-A point all the way to fluent reading. The book is organized around Richardson’s proven Assess-Decide-Guide framework.

There are prompts, discussion starters, teaching points, word lists, intervention suggestions and so much more to support every student including students that are struggling or ones who speak multiple languages.

This book also includes: 

The Next Steps In Guided Reading

How Does The Book Study Work?

Greg and I will be posting a weekly recap and our comments on one chapter per week. We will be starting Wednesday June 6, 2018. Our recaps will be posted each Wednesday.

We will also be doing Facebook Live broadcasts as well as Instagram Lives. These will be fascinating to get all of your input as well! Follow Along With Our Live Broadcasts Here:



Check Out Last Year’s’ Summer Book Study Here.

2018 Educator's Summer Book Study: The Next Step Forward In Guided Reading

What Is The Next Step?

Buy the book HERE, or the Kindle version.

Read 1 chapter a week and then come back to read our perspective and get great ideas for making the most of your small groups!

Don’t forget that this is an interactive book study, so we want your opinions and teaching ideas and suggestions! Please leave your comments and and become an active participant!!

Do you know that Kindergarten Chaos offers personal development courses & workshops? I share my tried and true tips and ideas for teaching intentionally and with purpose and fun to the kids of TODAY!

Join In On The Fun!

2 Responses

  1. Hi Abbie! Loving this book! My school kinda 1/2 way trained is mid-year which is my least favorite way! So, after muddling my way through teaching this, I’m now getting to slow down and read the book and understand the why! So an important piece! The teachers who went through the 1/2 way training this year had to turn their books in before they left for summer. ? So glad I was departing and could order my own to study with you all! I , like Greg, feel my poetry game was weak this year! I also feel my independent stations could’ve been a little more narrowly focused and less “unorganized” per say. I dont Know if that’s the right word I’m looking for. My kids worked independently in 1 station where they chose a basket with an activity in each basket. Some were letter activities, so were reading and response, some were word families and the students got to choose their activity. I feel That students may be choosing their favorite activity based on how easy it was to complete. So this talking about purposeful independent stations has sent me into planning mode for the independent time. I feel I have a good grasp on the actual small group teaching part because I did it! I was observed and got glowing reviews from our admin and trainer….BUT they weren’t watching my entire reading block so they missed our whole group reading and the lack of poetry present. This will help me better prepare for next school year! Loving it! Thanks for leading the way!

    1. What an awesome comment and personal testimony! I really appreciate you taking the time to comment and share. 🙂 I look forward to hearing from you after the school year on how successful your stations and guided reading is running!

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