STEM is such a vital and exciting part of any kindergarten classroom. They teach a variety of different skills including those that come when teaching science, technology, engineering or math! My favorite part about STEM, though, is that my students always think we’re just playing. I try very hard to make sure that my students have as much fun while learning as possible, and these Winter STEM ideas are exactly what I like!
Science Activities

Have you ever helped students ice fish in the middle of the classroom? Well it’s easier than you think with this activity.
Kids love anything that will explode. If you can take your students outside, this exploding snowman activity is such a fun idea!
Have you ever explored salt painting with your students? This is fun for any holiday or season but I love how these salt painted snowflakes sparkle!
Snow dough is such a great idea for a sensory bin activity in the classroom, especially in a location that hasn’t had much snow this week.

Winter Technology Activities
These free printables are perfect for introducing or practicing the concept of coding.
Kindergarteners love coloring! This is a fun Color By Code that is so helpful for helping them grasp the skills.
Winter Engineering Activities

Magnetic popsicle sticks are the highlight of this fun snowflake building activity. This is my type of activity because the supplies can be used for anything else later, too!
A tinker tray is always a fun activity with or without a theme or purpose. This idea, though, is for the purpose of this tray is to create a snowflake!
If you have actual snow, creating a marble run with it is a must!
If you are learning about habitats and cold weather animals, this engineering activity is perfect because these kids will be making their own animal dens.
Winter Math Activities

This printable Snowman Count and Match is the perfect way to practice numbers and counting with a fun winter theme!

This free printable includes sorting, graphing and it’s all in an I SPY activity. Kindergarteners will love this for a math center!
Simple winter manipulatives make this roll and graph free printable so much fun and perfect for independent or small groups!
Sort shapes and shape names with this fun penguin and igloo printable matching game.
Number sense is an important skill to be explored in kindergarten and this snowman number sense game can be super helpful!
These Winter STEM activities are perfect for your Kindergarten classroom. These are great for individual activities or small group! Your students will love them! And while you’re at it, check out these fun Snowman Activities!