Stop stressing over how you’re going to teach your little learners addition strategies effectively! I have exactly what you need! Teaching 8 Addition Strategies For Kindergarten with this printable resource contains pages to help children learn and explore addition, using 8 different strategies. This helps you to introduce and explicitly teach addition, yet also provides practice opportunities to help children master and excel in addition. While the pages must be printed, this resource is relatively low prep but still exciting and challenging for children.

Teaching 8 Addition Strategies For Kindergarten
“After searching over the last few years for an addition strategies book that I could use with my kiddos, I failed to find a product that had options and strategies that I actually teach my kids! As a teacher who purchases products, I appreciate when I have the choice of including what I want, so hopefully I am giving you that ability as well. Enjoy!”

This is all you will need to teach the 8 different addition strategies to your little learners! What are these addition strategies?
- Using Fingers
- Counting Pictures (Includes a seasonal option)
- Counting Counters or Objects
- Drawing Dots
- Using A 10 Frame (5-Frame Option Included)
- Drawing Tally Marks
- Using A Number Line (0-5 Number Line Optional Inlcuded)
- Counting On

Standards Focused On
This Addition Strategies resource will help you cover the standards:
K.OA.A.2: Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem.
K.OA.A.1.: Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
What’s Included?
Addition Definition Page
Addition Vocabulary Words Page
Important Addition Symbols Page
Addition Equation with Definition Labels Page
1 specific book page for each addition strategy, with a few options
Practice page to accompany each strategy; 8 and 12 equation options
I have included addition for numbers 0-5, as well as 0-10
Blank page to include your own additional teaching strategy
Plus, color and black/white large clip art images to use on anchor charts

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Thanks for sharing 8 strategies for kindergarten. I would love to read more like this.
Teaching kindergarteners is certainly not the easiest thing in the world. One of the most crucial elements of a successful kindergarten teacher is the ability to adapt. Whether we’ve been teaching for a few weeks or 30 years, we know that no two days are the same in the classroom. By demonstrating an ability to adapt our teaching strategies to suit any situation and class ability, we will find success in every lesson and allow students to reach their full potential.