Struggling to wrangle those little learners in your classroom during whole group activities? Eager to hear my top tips for keeping them in check? Buckle up and keep scrolling to uncover my Teacher Tip for Whole Group in Kindergarten!

Countless kindergarten teachers face the epic struggle of keeping their little learners hooked during group activities. Picture this: every morning, I gather my tiny troops on the magical carpet for our daily adventure, a task not for the faint-hearted! To tackle this challenge, I concocted a seating revolution, giving students the power to choose their throne and stick to it like glue throughout our morning escapades.
Tip #1
The traditional “Criss Cross Applesauce” is a popular and widely recognized sitting position for primary grades during carpet time. Students sit with their legs crossed, flat on their “sittin’ bones,” and can rest their hands in their laps or on their legs/knees.
Tip #2
This is the renowned “Mermaid” posture. While little girls adore it, boys also find it comfortable. Instruct your students to “Sit on your sittin’ bones” and then guide them to shift their “fin” (both legs together) to the side.
Tip #3
“Mountain” sitting is an ideal posture for students seated in the back row. In this position, students sit with their legs tucked under them, kneeling as if they were a “mountain”.
Tip #4
Finally, there’s the “butterfly” style. Sit on your “sittin’ bones,” bring your feet together, and let your legs splay apart while placing your hands on your knees.
Little learners soak up knowledge like sponges when things are labeled with terms that speak their language. It’s like sprinkling a dash of fun and purpose into the learning mix! Remember, before laying down the law, make sure to show and tell your students the ropes of good behavior during group activities. I hope this Teacher Tip for Whole Group in Kindergarten was helpful and insightful. You will find more tips on this post- Procedures and Rules for the Kindergarten Classroom.