Are you thinking about and preparing for your parent/teacher conferences? Do you need some tips and ideas to create successful and productive conferences for you and the grown ups of your kindergarteners? Here is a must read Teacher Checklist for Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Every school district has different mandates and time frames for this quarterly, semester, or annual conferences between teachers and the students’ grownups. This is usually a face-to-face meeting for the teacher to discuss the students academic progress as well as challenges and praises in the classroom for the student. Adequate preparation will result in a successful conference for both you and the grownups. Here is a checklist to help you prepare.
#1: Schedule Date and Time
Communicate with the grownups of your students ahead of time to inform them of the date and time for their scheduled conference. Have a sign up sheet, send out message, or use whatever mode of communication you choose to make sure all students’ grownups have a time slot for this meeting. (Check out post “Technology to Communicate with Grown-Ups of Your Students” for ideas.) Make sure your grownups know this is a time to bring up concerns and questions as well as see what their child in working on. This is an exciting time for some, but anxiety producing for others. Make sure you schedule adequate time for each and every meeting.
#2: Students Data
Having the most current data available is a must. It may seem like a no-brainer, but parents really do want to know how their child is doing NOW, not 4 weeks ago. Using a computerized program, such as ESGI for progress reports, is an excellent way to keep data up-to-date and current. (Check out “Best Assessments for Kindergarten” and “End of Year Assessments” for data programs.) This will make showing your grownups how their little one is doing much easier and efficient. Try to assess your students a few days prior to these conferences for the most accurate, up-to-date data. Your grownups will be thankful and amazed at what their child has done in such a short time!
Click on above picture to learn more about this amazing assessment tool.
#3: Be Prepared
Create a folder or portfolio for each child. Have students work samples, assessment data, and any grownup information/communication that is required, available and in folder before scheduled meeting. Having an activity or handout for at-home help or extra practice is always beneficial and should go into a take-home folder. Here are a couple of such activities and printables that are very beneficial for your new kindergarten students and the grownups.
#4: Create A Warm And Inviting Environment
Have adult size chairs available for those grownups who would rather not sit on a crate, kiddie chair, or on the floor. Your classroom should be neat and presentable for the grownups to explore if they so choose. Adding a little something extra for your grownups reinforces the fact that your are there for both the student and their families. Here is a cute little **FREEBIE** for you to download and add to your conferences. Add some mints for an overall warm, inviting environment for your meeting.
#5: Glow, Grow, Glow
All conferences should include positivity. Using the above “GLOW, GROW, GLOW” mantra, your conference can be helpful to the grownup and always end on a positive note.
GLOW- Give something positive the student has done. Be it behavior or academic, make sure the adult is aware you can see the good in the child.
GROW- This is something the student needs to work on. May include behavior or interactions.
GLOW- End with another positive. Have some resources available for the grownups to use for improvement, continued growth, or referrals for help.
Go to post “Tips For A Successful Parent Teacher Conference” for more ideas.
Do you have any other ideas for making teacher/grownup conferences successful? Feel free to comment on my social media–FB, Instagram, Pinterest, Tik Tok.