Monsters, Bats and Spiders…OH MY!!! Since kindergarten teachers tend to organize and teach according to holidays, themes, and seasons, take this month to introduce academic skills using monsters, bats and spiders. Here are some fun, engaging and purposeful October Activities For Kindergarten.

Reading is a huge part of kindergarten. Having a variety of both fiction and non-fiction books available for all topics is (in my opinion) imperative.
Here a a few books for this month that kindergarteners will love.
Click on above pictures to go to Amazon Store.

Go to Blog post “Picture Books In the Kindergarten Classroom” for more information.
Anchor Charts
Using interactive anchor charts to label and organize the information your students are learning is a fun, engaging and meaningful way to show and reinforce skills. Butcher paper or chart paper is a simple way to label a bat for this October topic. Not only is this purposeful, but adds ambience to your classroom.
Cut out a bat on black butcher paper. Then take sentence strips for labeling parts-of-the-bat. After reading about bats, your students can then help with labeling.

Need more information on anchor charts in the kindergarten classroom? Go to post “Must-Make Kindergarten Anchor Charts” and “Classroom Management Anchor Charts“.
This hands-on letter matching web craft is perfect for your kindergarten students. This is not only perfect for practicing upper and lowercase letter matching, but strengthens fine motor skills. Just take a paper plate and write upper and lowercase letters around the perimeter. Punch holes next to each letter using a hole puncher. Tape black yarn to the back of the plate. Now your little learners can thread the yarn through the plate and match the letters. Fun, engaging and purposeful activity!!! This can be used for other academic skills as well. Try using this multi-purpose activity for numerals.

Do you want another **FREEBIE** for your literacy center for this month? Here is a perfect activity for teaching positional words. Just download, print, cut, staple, add yarn and spider, and VOILA!!! You have an October themed positional word book your students will love. Once again–another engaging, intentional, and purposeful activity for your little learners.

Digital Activity
This is a fun, interactive, informational digital activity. Your students can learn all about spiders and bats with this Boom Card. Use this activity for your technology center with small groups, individual practice, or fast finishers.

Here is a monster activity for this month that is so versatile. This can be used for whole group, small group or even individual practice. This is a **FREEBIE** printable that is very low prep and your kiddos will love rolling the dice and drawing the monster. All you need is butcher paper, white board, or simply paper. Add the printable and dice. Your students roll the dice, count out the spaces, then draw the monster part they land on. Fun!!!

Check out this post for more on this fun activity!! “Printable Roll A Monster Game FREEBIE“

How about another **FREEBIE**? Monster ten frames for more counting practice. Just download, print, and add fun “googly eyes” for manipulative counters. Perfect for this seasons whole group, small group, or even individual practice.

Go to post “Monster Ten Frames” for more on this fun and engaging activity.

Monster Slime
Since students tend to get a little antsy the day before the dress-up parade or holiday party, I found that making “Monster Slime” is a way to continue academic instruction while having fun and keeping the kindergarteners engaged. This is simple and your students have a take-home gift for the weekend. Go to post “How To Make Monster Slime + Free Label” for complete recipe and directions. AND– don’t forget to add your **FREEBIE** labels!! Perfect way to end the month!!

Sensory Monster Idea
Here is a fun sensory activity for your little learners. Low prep and low cost fun for monster ideas. Just draw monster on a ziplock baggie. Then add colored hair gel. (Dollar store). Add googly eyes and close baggie. Students can now roll dice and move that number of googly eyes onto monster. Another fun idea for your kindergarten classroom!!
Having meaningful, intentional, and engaging October Monsters, Bats and Spiders For Kindergarten activities is a must. What other activities do you have for this time of year? Please leave comments below.
Do you want more MONSTER ideas? Go to “Monsters in the Classroom” for more ideas and information.