Hello friends and welcome to the series, 31 Days of Kindergarten. Maybe you joined in my last series a few years ago, or maybe you are new to my blog and Kindergarten world! Regardless, welcome! Pull up a chair and make yourself at home, especially over the next 31 days. Feel free to comment, ask questions, and enjoy the freebies and meaningful content. You can also search for the tag 31daysofkindergarten in the search box where you will find the past topics and previous posts. This particular series will cover a wide range of topics, like today is Kindergarten Daily Academic Schedule and go all month long. I would love it if you shared with your fellow Kindergarten teachers and to any social media you may use. 🙂 Let’s get started!

One of the questions I get asked regularly is what my Kindergarten Daily Academic Schedule looks like. At first this question surprised me, as I thought every school provided the guidelines for a teachers schedule. But I quickly learned that there are many teachers who do not have guidelines and are looking for direction. Got it. And I am happy to share! (Stick around…as there is a FREEBIE to download!)
Kindergarten Daily Academic Schedule

I’m sharing a snapshot (that I watermarked) of one of my required academic schedules. This particular one was from 2016. This is a specific form to our school district and is required to be completed and displayed by every single teacher in our district.
In our district, there are also specific allocated times for each academic content. Here is what that looks like broken down for each day: Reading = 120 minutes/day; Language Arts = 40 minutes/day; Math = 70 minutes/day; Specials = 50 minutes/day; Social Studies = 75 minutes/week; Science = 75 minutes/week
Depending on your district and administration, you may be able to choose how to structure your day. And even though I have to follow the allocated academic times, I have the freedom to choose when and where in the day I teach them.

How I Make my Academic Schedule
So now that I have shared what my district requires in terms of allocating times and it’s time for me to share how I decide on my academic schedule. I will add that I always try and do what is best for my students and class. I make my academic schedule before the first day of school, so depending on the make-up and dynamics of my class, I have permission to change and do what is best for my students!
Since my biggest academic block is literacy, I choose to have that block at the beginning of our school day. Little learners tend to be early risers and are more ‘fresh’ in the morning. Their learning stamina is longer, especially when there is more ‘carpet time’ during literacy. After reading and language arts, we do writing. This takes us right up to lunch. After lunch, my students go to their daily special for 50 minutes. This is my prep period. After I pick my students up from specials, we go out for a 1/2 hour recess. This is also a time for my students to independently go to the restroom and get a drink. After recess, my students come in and we go right into math. And the end of the day is science/social studies and then clean up and dismissal.
Yeah, but what do you DO during these academic times?

As I was writing this post, I realized that you most likely want to know exactly what I am doing during these academic times. 😉 Obviously this post would be thousands of words longer if I shared all of that, so I thought I would just create a quick graphic (see above) that breaks it down for you. I didn’t include Science of Social Studies, as I can write about that another day. Still have questions or want more info? Feel free to leave a comment and I will gladly answer it!
Check out this Back To School Tips & Advice From A Real Kindergarten Teacher!
Download your FREE Academic Schedule
Many districts don’t provide their teachers with a schedule template, so I created one that you can download for FREE and edit!! And did I mention it’s free?!

Daily Schedule Cards
I think we can all agree that this next school year is going to be very interesting and unpredictable!! And to provide a little more stability to your students’ school day, utilize daily schedule cards. These cards are a visual reminder of the day’s schedule and helps the students to see what is coming next. I created a very simple, but EDITABLE set. You can check them out here.

Light Box Slides for Daily Specials
Since students thrive on knowing what is next on the schedule, I created these Light Box Slides to use in my classroom. You can find these Light Boxes just about anywhere nowadays. This is another way to remind little learners of what is on the days “specials” schedule.

Thanks for coming to the 1st day of #31daysofkindergarten here on my blog! I hope that you come back tomorrow!
You may also like our Daily Lesson Plan for Distance Learning Freebies!

Abigail is a Kindergarten Teacher, Curriculum Writer, National Speaker and author of the website, Kindergarten Chaos, LLC. She lives in Las Vegas, NV with her husband and 3 kids. She provides professional development to schools and districts all over the country. If your school or district is in need of professional development for everything Kindergarten, please email her at kindergartenchaos2@gmail.com

Hi! When I click on your freebie, it says the file doesn’t exist. Can you help me?
We are working on getting the new updated version uploaded.
I would love to see it too! ( :