
This time of year is one of my favorites – it’s Gingerbread season! There are so many great activities that are both fun and meaningful. Your kindergarteners will enjoy learning with this Gingerbread Math **FREE** Activity For Little Learners”.

As December rolls around, it’s officially Gingerbread season! If you can’t get enough of everything gingerbread, try out this low-cost and easy-to-make math activity that is practically free. Your little learners will be able to learn and practice the concepts of addition and subtraction in a fun, engaging and meaningful way.

Gingerbread Oven

This is a simple, easy DIY activity you can make and use over and over to teach addition and subtraction to your little learners.


Construction Paper (I use black-like an oven)


Laminator Sheets


Follow these easy steps to make an adorable gingerbread oven:

  1. Fold a piece of construction paper in half.
  2. Cut a square hole above the fold line in the top half of the paper.
  3. Insert the cut paper into the laminating sheet, then run it through the laminator.
  4. Fold the laminated sheet in half.

Gingerbread Oven Math

Take foam or construction paper cut-out gingerbread men and “bake” them in your oven. Engaging and meaningful way to demonstrate and practice addition and subtraction math skills.


Here is an easy way to make a Gingerbread Oven, which can be used for addition and subtraction!💡TIP: Make a class set and reuse them every year! ♥️Like🛟Save and ↗️Share with a Teacher Friend or Grown Up! #kindergartenchaos #handsonlearning #kindergarten #morningbins #gingerbreadman #gingerbreadmen

♬ Candy Crush (Holiday Mix) – David Das

And there you have it! A charming Gingerbread Math **FREE** Activity For Little Learners.

Check out Gingerbread Themed Books For Little Learners for more fun!!

Another fun, engaging and meaningful activity to intentionally teach with purpose and fun. From Kindergarten Chaos!!!

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