Hello October!! I don’t know about you, but I am ready for cooler nights, scarves, and fall boots! But before we get caught up in everything pumpkin, we need to chat about some fun Fire Safety and Prevention Week Activities you can use in your classroom!

Confession here…I have never had an entire week of Fire Safety. I have focused on this theme for a day, but never a full week. But this year we have it in our long range plans to spend a whole week on Fire Safety and Prevention Week! Of course, I had to go and make a few things to go along with this theme. 🙂

I haven’t shared a post about it yet, but I have a Poetry Station in my classroom and it includes a weekly poem. We read and practice the poem during our shared reading time in the morning and then the students get to revisit the poem, when they go to Poetry Station. Students can practice pointing to the words of the poem and reading for fluency practice, or they can use highlighter tape to identify high frequency words or punctuation.

The students in my classroom also have poetry notebooks, where each student gets their own personal copy of the weekly poem. Poems are pre-printed and 3-hole punched ahead of time, so students can place their own copy into their personal poetry notebook. Students then illustrate the poem. (My students LOVE doing this activity!!)

You can find this FREEBIE here.
The next activities are going into my writing station, but you can use how you see fit for your classroom and students! (Find out more about creating and keeping the Writing Station going all year, HERE in this post.)

I created some Fire Safety and Prevention Week picture cards to hang in the writing station.

My students have the choice of making of list of these words, or using the words to complete sentence stems, that I have also included.
These sentence stems are perfect to incorporate those high frequency words that you are working on in your classroom, along with practicing writing a sentence. (Need help teaching your students how to write a sentence, check out this POST.) The sentence stems provide scaffolding for those emergent writers and are much needed at this point in the school year. Another option my students can do at writing station this week, is to use the Fire Safety and Prevention Week illustrations and add their own words, or write their own sentences, or story.

You can check out these printables HERE.
Looking for more Fire Safety and Prevention Week activities and ideas? Check out these ideas from some of my blogging friends!

Fire Safety FREE Printables from Teaching Where You’re Called.

I love to use videos to help teach concepts and themes, so HERE is an amazing list of Fire Safety videos from Simply Kinder.

FREE Fires Safety I-Spy Letters and Sounds Printable HERE from A Differentiated Kindergarten.

FREE Fire Safety Write the Room HERE from The Chevron Owl.

I just purchased this book from Amazon and can’t wait till it gets here. The reviews sound terrific!
This book, A Firefighter’s Tools, is an informational book and would be perfect for creating a class book on firefighter and fire prevention facts!

I know I am looking forward to all of these fun activities and books this week! What are your plans for Fire Safety and Prevention Week? Are you looking for ideas for Fire Drills? Check out THIS post and free printable!

When I clicked on the freebie it said I need a password. Did I miss something?
You need to sign up for the newsletter and inside the newsletter is the password. 🙂
Hi! I hope you are doing well considering what has happened in your state. We are thinking of you during this sad time.
Anyway, I have been trying to use the code to get in for the fire safety freebies. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.. I have tried several times to put in the code and it still will not let me in.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
If you have time to reply, I would appreciate it.
Thank you!
Have you received the new October Newsletter? A new password will be required each month. Please email me at kindergartenchaos2@gmail.com if you still have trouble. 🙂
Can’t wait for the cooler weather again! I love your site and your products. I teach kinder in Vegas and just started my own blog, but I don’t sell products. What is your best advice?:)
Hello and welcome to my blog! What advice are you looking for? Blog? Teaching?