
What do you have planned for your students upon returning to the classroom after winter break? Do you need some ideas for Educating Little Learners After Winter Break? Here are some tips that have helped me after this long break from the classroom.

Winter break is typically the longest break during the school year. Your students have been with family and friends and have had fun with the holidays. They have probably forgotten a lot of the rules and procedures for the classroom. A refresher course and reminders are usually necessary to maintain classroom management after this long time away from school. Incorporate teaching rules and procedures during the first week back.

As educators of little learners, teachers know that all rules and procedures must be explicitly taught in order for children to be held accountable for their actions. Remember, you can never consequence a student if they didn’t know the expectations.

Going over all of the rules and expectations for the classroom allows for the little learners to get back into the groove of school, while relearning the expectations. You may not have to go over every rule and procedure, but certainty cover the ones you feel best suit your classroom environment.

Go to post “Super Ideas For Teaching Rules & Procedures In A Kindergarten Classroom” for more ideas and information.


Since we read a lot of books in kindergarten, here are some of my favorites for teaching and reinforcing classroom rules and procedures. Your students will love reading these again, and this is the perfect time for some review of academic skills.

Click for Amazon Link.

Go to blog post “Books to Teach Rules and Procedures” for a complete list and links. Having a variety of these books in the classroom enables you to review with your little learners on a consistent basis if needed.

School Supplies

School supplies needs to be reviewed as well. You probably do not have to spend a lot of time, but a quick review will remind students on proper use of these everyday supplies they will be using.


Reply to @jeremypeterson126 How to explicitly teach about School Supplies in a developmentally appropriate way! Do you use interactive anchor charts? #kindergartenchaos #kindergarten #teacherpd #classroommanagement

♬ She Share Story (for Vlog) – 山口夕依

Review Academic Skills

Since the beginning of the school year, your little learners have been working hard and learning so much. But with the extended break, they will need a review before going on to learning new skills. Spend the first week back reviewing all letter names and sounds as well numbers up to the number you left off. Typically this is the time to start introducing #19 and beyond.

Assessing your little learners may also be necessary if you need to review and practice specific skills. ESGI is my favorite tool for academic assessments.

Check out posts “Best Assessments for Kindergarten“, “ESGI Learning Tool Box for Parents and Students” and “End of Year Assessments” for more on this amazing tool.

Last Name Activity

This activity is a must for the first week back to school. Fun, engaging and purposeful, this last name snowman is an easy, low-prep activity that editable and focuses on first, last, or both of the students names.


I start with Last Name identification and writing practice after Winter Break and THIS is the perfect activity! Comment if you are interestrd in this! And let me know what skills you work on after the break! #kindergartenchaos #teacher #littlelearners #teachersoftiktok #iteachk #teachertok #homeschool #preschoolactivities #education #teach

♬ Do You Want to Build a Snowman? – From “Frozen”/Soundtrack Version – Kristen Bell & Agatha Lee Monn & Katie Lopez

Check out “Winter Activities For Little Learners” post for more ideas and activities.

Please comment below or on my social media– FB, Instagram, Pinterest, Tik Tok and YouTube.

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