
I saw a graphic on Instagram today, from @_thecoloramber, that simply said “Pause. Relax your jaw. Relax your shoulders. Relax your fists and breath. Smile.” It wasn’t until I read this that I realized how subconsciously I was tense. I’m sure we all are. The new routines, procedures, ways of communication, and so much more. Not to mention the new emotions that we are all feeling. I get it. I understand. And I’m here in the same boat. Today I hope I can help just a little, with this Daily Lesson Plan for distance learning. PLUS, I’m throwing in a free BONUS Weekly Snapshot Template. Together these are helping me keep my thoughts and tasks organized so that I can help my students and their families.

Daily and Weekly Planner Templates For Distance Learning #distancelearning #schoolclosure #teachfromhome

Daily Lesson Plan For Distance Learning

I am finishing up week three of ‘distance learning’ and working from home. The first week I was bombarded by the realization that I had to figure out a way to virtually teach my students, but also make sure my own kids are learning online as well. The second week was figuring out the best resources and ways to teach, while using Zoom. Finally during the third week, I felt like I was getting the hang of meeting my students and virtually teaching. The only catch was that I still felt unorganized and things felt haphazard. I needed something that I could print out and jot down my plan, extra ideas, and add any notes. I also needed something simple. The last thing I need right now is another complicated template or requirement. So I created this VERY SIMPLE lesson plan and weekly snapshot printable.

The Daily lesson plan template can be used in a few different ways. You can use it digitally, filling in the spaces with your tasks and ideas. You can also print it to do the same.

Daily and Weekly Planner Templates For Distance Learning #distancelearning #schoolclosure #teachfromhome

There are five task spaces that I included: Introduction, brain break/transition, ELA, Math and daily task. I use each box to quickly write each standard or skill I am working on for the day. I use the brain break/transition box to add in any GoNoodle or other videos that I plan to use during my Zoom session. And I use the daily task box for what I want me students to do AFTER our daily Zoom session.

Nervous about trying Zoom with your students? Check out my tips & printable set up guides here.

BONUS Weekly Snapshot Template

I also created a simple weekly template. I am using this to plan out the whole week. I can add in any guests that I am planning to have, or spirit days, etc. This template is fantastic for keeping your weekly tasks and ideas aligned. This can be filled out solely for your benefit or to help your students (and their parents) stay organized too.

Daily and Weekly Planner Templates For Distance Learning #distancelearning #schoolclosure #teachfromhome

For yourself, this can be a great tool to keep your week organized. There is the perfect amount of space to hold the general tasks for each day.

This is also a fantastic resource to send to your students’ parents. You could send it each week filled out with their daily tasks, like a weekly newsletter. You could also send it blank, once, to them and they can fill it out as they see the need.
I created one with the boxes labeled and one where there are no labels.

I hope that you find these two templates helpful. I hope that they help keep you organized in this new time. Please remember that we are ALL experiencing something new. We were thrown into a whole new way of teaching and we are doing the best we can. Be easy on yourself, you are doing a great job!

Distance Learning Ideas:

Free Online Resources During School Shut Downs

Distance Learning Brain Bags For Students

How To Use Zoom For E-Learning

Join In On The Fun!

4 Responses

  1. Thank you for sharing those templates. These are remarkable ideas that can help me get more organized in my online classes. Through the templates you have suggested here, I would get the tasks and learning objectives parallel which is very important in teaching and learning. My students will surely benefit these wonderful ideas. Thank you very much!

  2. Hi! I tried to download the template but unfortunately the link does not work, it says “Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist.”

    Thank you!

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