Howdy friends! I hope you are enjoying my 31 Days of Kindergarten series! It’s been a little more challenging than I thought to get all of these posts together, but I have been getting positive feedback from so many teachers, that I plan on giving you more. 🙂 Today is all about the Computer Station in the Kindergarten Classroom.

Today I am talking strictly about computers, not technology. I also have Ipads and Kindles in my room, but I refer to that as technology…I know that doesn’t make sense to some of you, but that is how I run it and call it in my classroom. I am lucky enough to have 5 desktops in my classroom. I realize for some of you that is fabulous and to others that is kind of sad. Hopefully you have at least one or two computers in your classroom and can create a designated computer station in your classroom!

What You Need for this Station
- Computers; either desktop or laptop
- Station signs
- List of sites
- Username and password cards
- Headphones
- Mouse dots(!)
- Pencil & paper
What to Teach Your Students About This Station
- How to use a mouse
- left click
- keep the mouse on the table
- how to re-adjust the mouse when you need to reposition the cursor arrow
- How to use a keyboard
- How to navigate the screen with a mouse
- How to type in their username and password
- How to play any games or programs
- Expectations for designated programs/games
- How to wear headphones
- How to turn up or down the volume
- What to do if computer or programs freeze or not work
- It is best to have a bin/box of puzzles, favorite books, quick games in case there are any computer troubleshooting issues
- Where to put the headphones for clean up
- How to leave a program at clean up time
- Clean Up procedures
What Students Do At This Station
- listen to reading
- play games
- practice keyboarding
- publish their writing
Computer Station Options
- (you can sign up for a free teacher account)
- brainpop
- national geographic kids
- starfall
This is just a sampling of things that you can do at this station and a few websites to utilize. You should find what works well for your comfort level and works well with your students. Again, do what your administration requires…first and foremost. Ultimately, teach rules and procedures and let them practice. Another TIP is to make 1-2 students your computer station experts and should any student have an issue while utilizing this station, they can ask those experts. This has worked well for my students and I have had very few issues with this station. What programs or sites do YOU use in your classroom? Leave a comment below, so I can add it to the list! 🙂
Have you been following along with our 31 Days of Kindergarten posts?
You can check them out here:
Procedures and Rules for the Kindergarten Classroom
Music and Movement in the Kindergarten Classroom
How to Start Literacy Stations in Kindergarten
The Library Station in Kindergarten
All About the Writing Station in Kindergarten

Great idea, great blog! I fully support this kind of learning. It is fun, interesting, new. Kids will love it!
We are aware that we live in the era of computers. That’s why it’s very important to teach them to use a computer. Otherwise, they will be illiterate. Why is that so hard to understand?
Another great website is tutrlediary
Thanks for the additional resource! Do you know if it is FREE?
Hi Nicole, thank you for writing and sharing this idea. I am about to set up a computer station at my kindy but not sure the content and purpose for the children.
Really love your idea. Thanks.