Kindergarten teachers are very much aware that we must have interactive, engaging, yet meaningful and effective activities for our little learners. Butcher Paper Activities For Little Learners are a fun way to incorporate hands-on learning in the classroom. Here are a compilation of ideas I have found to be intentional and purposeful yet engaging for your students.

Butcher Paper Activities For Little Learners is a fun, engaging and inexpensive way for your little learners to practice academic skills. Since most schools have butcher paper available for classroom use, get it and make good use of it in your class!! Butcher paper activities are perfect for whole group, small group, partners and individual practice. Here are some of my favorites.
Math Butcher Paper Activities
**FREEBIE**Roll A Monster
This fun dice activity can be used all year long, but especially in October. Cover your table or floor with butcher paper. Give each student a dice, Roll a Monster game board, and markers or crayons. Let them draw their monster in a big fashion with this fun game! Perfect for whole group, partners or even individual practice. Great way for counting and number practice. AND ITS FREE!!

Donut Dice
Donut dice is a fun and purposeful game for little learners. Grab a sheet of butcher paper. Draw “Donuts” all over. Your students can then roll the dice and add sprinkles to their “donuts”. They can color the sprinkles on, glue or paste beads, or use any other manipulative of your choice for sprinkles. Fun number and counting practice!!
More Number and Counting Practice
Take butcher paper and write random numbers all along strip of butcher paper. Set out many different types of manipulatives such as Legos, blocks, erasers, pom poms, etc. Little learners can match number with the same amount of manipulatives. Great fun for number and counting practice–simple and low cost!!

Tally marks, ten frames, objects, name, and what a number looks like are all ways to practice number ID with butcher paper.
How Tall Am I?
Kids love activities that are about themselves. Try this purposeful activity with your students. Have students draw outlines of each other on butcher paper. Next, take blocks or Legos and and have the students connect together from one end to the other of their outline. Little learners can then write down how many Legos/blocks they are and compare that number to each other. Students love this purposeful and fun butcher paper activity!!!

This fulfills the kindergarten academic standard for measurements. (K.MD.A.1, K.MD.A.2)
Literacy Butcher Paper Activities
This butcher paper activity and craft project is so much fun and is a week long project!! Start with reading the book “SNOWBALLS” to the whole class.

Next, have a template of a snowperson, snowcat, and snowdog ready. Students go to the creation station where there is precut large pieces of butcher paper and the templates. Students pick the template of their choice and then trace it onto their butcher paper. Don’t forget to have the kiddos write their names on the paper!!!

Have a Ziploc baggie and instructions for their grown-ups ready to send home. The students are to collect small items throughout the week, put them into the baggie, and return them on Friday for the project completion.
Next day at the creation station, have your little learners paint their snow tracing with white paint.

Finally, on Friday, they can take all the items in their baggie that they brought from home and paste to their snowperson, snowcat, or snowdog. This is a fun hands-on craft/literacy project that promotes creativity and fine motor development.

After all this hard work, hang these beautiful creations on the class bulletin board for all to enjoy!!!
Story Elements Butcher Paper Activity
Your little learners will love learning about story elements with this activity!! After teaching about characters, setting, beginning/middle/ending of story, take large pieces of butcher paper for your students to draw what they have learned.
Start with a book such as Jan Brett’s “The Hat”. Separate your class into groups. One group will draw the characters of the book on their paper. Second group will work on the setting, etc., until all of the story elements have a group.

Not only are your little learners practicing what they have learned about story elements, they are working together as a group, drawing, and creating. A fun, engaging, and meaningful activity for your little leaners to practice literacy!!!

Here are some additional resources for teaching and practicing story elements.
Click on above picture to go to Kindergarten Chaos Store.
Check out posts “Using Jan Brett Books In Kindergarten” for more information.