Using Environmental Print in the Classroom
Hello friends and happy teaching! I have shared about Using Environmental Print in the Classroom on my Instagram account multiple times, but each time

How to Teach Rhyming to Little Learners
Is Rhyming Important? Years ago rhyming was a main pre-k and kindergarten standard that was explicitly taught. Many teachers used nursery rhymes to help

Individual Phonics Literacy Kit
Have you been following along with my blog series, #31daysofkindergarten? Well if you have been following, I’m sure you have noticed that there is

180 Days of School Ten Frames
Who is ready for another freebie? I created these 180 Days of School Ten Frames for my classroom and received so many requests for

Free Editable Name Plates
Happy Back To School! We all know the first ‘word’ that we are going to teach our students to read and write is their

Absence Excuse Note Printable
Absences. Almost without exception, every student will have at least one absence during the school year. While every school and/or school district has their

Solving The Biggest Problem Of This School Year: Masks!
This school year has been different to say the least. We don’t need to summarize it any farther than that, but let’s focus on

Tumbling Towers Jenga Games for the Classroom
Using Jenga in the Classroom A few years ago, I saw another teacher use colored Jenga blocks in a whole-group activity. The students were

Test Tube Math
Howdy friends!! So excited to share this really fun Test Tube Math, that will be perfect for the first few weeks back to school.

Easy to Make Rainbow Rice for the Sensory Bin
Happy back to school season! I am already in my fourth week of school, but I know that many of you just started this

Build Your Name Activity
Everybody has a name and each name is special to that person. And we know that little learners know their name and can generally

The Best Name Activities for Kindergarten
Welcome to another #31daysofkindergarten post! Everybody has a name. Some names are short, some are long, but everyone has a name. One of the