Do you have pattern blocks? Here is an activity that will put these blocks to good use!! Alphabet Letter Pattern Block Mats For Little Learners are perfect for letter ID, letter sounds, letter writing, and fine motor practice. A must have for your little learners!!

Alphabet Letter Pattern Block Mats For Little Learners are a simple yet highly effective way to practice letter Id, letter writing, and letter sound. Perfect for your Work with Letters Station! An amazing hands-on way for your little learners to practice building upper and lowercase letters, as well as tracing the letters and circling the beginning sound pictures! Honing fine motor skills is an added bonus.

What’s Included:
52 Full Color Upper/Lower case letter mats
52 Black/White Upper/Lower case letter mats

Print and Go Alphabet Letter Pattern Mats
Easy activity to download and print. Then just laminate if you intent for a multi use activity. Perfect activity for your Literacy Stations, small group or independent practice, morning tubs, or for fast finisher activities.

Do you need more ideas for small groups? Go to “5 Tips for Making the Most of Small Groups“.
Not only are these mats a great hands on activity, they are great for fine motor practice.

Both you and your students will love this purposeful and engaging activity.
Another amazing activity to intentionally teach with purpose and fun!!
Do you want more Alphabet ideas? Check out post “Ideas For Teaching Letter Identification In Kindergarten“.