Slime is all the rage right now and even though I don’t see much of it in my kindergarten classroom, I still hear about it from other teachers. I have also been hearing about it from my 10 year old, fourth grade daughter. It seems like her and all of her classmates are obsessed with it and everyone has a different recipe. My daughter has begged me to make some, but to be quite honest, I was a little apprehensive to make our own batch. I had read quite a few stories and seen a few videos on kids getting chemical burns from borax and other related ingredients that are in some slime recipes. That in itself was enough for me to say no. But my daughter convinced me that there were some super easy and safe recipes, so we headed out to Target to buy the ingredients. So now let me introduce you to a recipe for Simple Safe Slime Recipe for Teachers, by a teacher!

1 bottle of Glue (We used regular white glue and glitter glue and both worked!)
1/4 tsp Baking Soda
Buffered Saline Solution (Contact Solution)
Food Coloring (Optional)
Fun & FREE Printable Slime Labels

First, pour the glue into a bowl. (honestly, this takes the longest of any of the steps.)

Next, add the baking soda.

Begin to stir. Add food coloring. (If desired)

Stir and begin to squirt in the saline solution.

You will immediately notice a change in consistency. Continue to stir. (You can add some saline solution to your hands and remove the slime, so you can manipulate with your hands.)

And finally you have Simple and Safe Slime, made with only 3 {safe} ingredients!!

Related Post: Fun and Creative End Of The Year Ideas
I used small plastic Ziploc containers to hold a little slime for each student in my classroom. I plan on giving it to them on the last day of school and include this fun little label with it!

Want to wow your students and impress them with your awesome slime recipe? Well here is your recipe and include this FREE editable label!! Click here to access your free editable label!

I hope you and your students enjoy this slime and that everyone has a slippin’ & slimin’ summer!! 🙂

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How many “servings” does the recipe yield? (Using the little Ziplock storage tubs?)
Thanks Anne for stopping by! Honestly, 1 bottle of glue and the other ingredients made enough to fill a little more than one of the shown Ziploc containers.
How much contact solution do you use?
I didn’t exactly measure it, because as soon as you start adding it, the ingredients start to combine into slime. I would say it’s maybe 1/8 cup. But you just add as needed. Hope that helps!
How much contact solution do you use?
I didn’t exactly measure it, because as soon as you start adding it, the ingredients start to combine into slime. I would say it’s maybe 1/8 cup. But you just add as needed. Hope that helps!
I cannot find this free label. Can you share the slime label with me?
Here you go. Thanks for reaching out.