
The first day of school is getting closer and closer, so here are 20+ Ideas for Meet the Teacher.

20 plus Ideas for Meet the Teacher - kindergartenchaos.com

It’s another day of 31 Days of Kindergarten and today I am sharing 20+ Ideas for Meet the Teacher day, hour, or whatever you have at your school. Our school has Meet the Teacher day on the Friday before the first day of school. Every parent and student is invited to go to their future classroom and ‘meet’ their new teacher and check out their new classroom! This is extra special for me, since I teach Kindergarten and every one of my students are ‘new’ to our school and I am most likely their first teacher. Our Meet the Teacher is casual and not formal, like my back to school parent orientation or open house. So for me, this is a great opportunity to prepare a fun, loving, and inviting environment for my new kiddos and families! Often times parents will bring supplies to meet the teacher, so I make sure to have labeled bins, for them to place these supplies. Here is an example from Tunstalls Teaching Tidbits. Visit her blog for more details!

Supply Buckets for Meet the Teacher Day
Supply Drop Off Buckets from Tunstall’s Teaching Tidbits

Usually, I have all of the ‘important’ back-to-school forms that parents need to sign, in a packet or folder at each student’s table spot. This year, I’m committed to flexible and alternative seating, so I am not sure where I will have all of these papers. But here is an example from Peace, Love, and First Grade.

Meet the Teacher Important Form Organization
Important Info & Forms Organization from Peace, Love, and First Grade

I also used to have a ‘treat’ for each student waiting for them at their seat. Here are some great ideas that you might want to try out this year!

Beary Good Year - Meet the Teacher Idea

“Beary Good” Year from First Grader at Last

Balloons for Meet the Teacher Day

Balloon Greeting from Monarch Madness

Poppin' In - Meet the Teacher

Cute lollipop tree, but sadly, no one to credit. 🙁

Blow Pop Meet the Teacher Treat

Blow Pop Meet the Teacher treat from Classroom Brainstorm

Starburst Meet the Teacher

Starburst Meet the Teacher Treat – Unknown source

Bubbling with Excitement Meet the Teacher Treat

Bubbling with Excitement from Love Those Kinders

Meet the Teacher day is also a great time to let parents know of any ‘extras’ that you may want or need. I create a simple little ‘giving tree’ on my white-board and attach apple die-cuts with my requested item. Families can then pick an apple and bring the item the first week of school!

Iphone Pictures 9-16-15 513

Here is another great idea from Head Over Heels for Teaching.

Helping Hand Donations
Helping Hands Donations from Head over Heels for Teaching
Donation Board

Donation Board from Life as I Know It

How cute are these little Sweet Treat Donation cupcakes from Sweet Tooth Teaching?

Sweet Treat Donations
Sweet Treat Donations from Sweet Tooth Teaching

One idea that I always see and think is so cute, but have yet to try it, is Jitter Glitter. Go to link to read more about it!

Jitter Glitter

Jitter Glitter from Freebielicious

This is a simple little treat for parents that you could have available as they leave the classroom.

ComMINTment Treat

ComMINTment Parent Treat from Nicole Bunt; Picture Credit from School and the City

This little cutie is not exactly a treat, but sort of. 😉 This teacher (unknown source) made a mystery name bag for each student. Each bag has the letters of the student’s individual name and the student gets to take it home and work on practicing putting their name together.

Name Baggies

Mystery Name for Meet the Teacher

How do you handle parent communication? I am a huge supporter of Remind and so here is a cute idea from The Brown Bag Teacher, to get your parents to sign up!

Text Reminders
Text Reminders from The  Brown Bag Teacher

Are you a techy-teacher? How about creating a QR code with all of your important information, so parents can access the info and you save on paper! 🙂

QR Code for Teacher Information

QR Code for Important Information from The First Grade Parade

Or make a business card with all of your important numbers, email addresses for parents to have immediate access. (I printed mine on magnetic paper, so it turned into a magnet for parents to display on any magnetic surface.)

Teacher Info Card

Teacher Info Card from Student Savvy

And I LOVE this idea from The First Grade Parade!! Have parents address envelopes and then send a welcome letter! (Read details on The First Grade Parade)

Back to School Note for Parents
Back to School Note from The First Grade Parade

And this is a super cute idea from Teacher Idea Factory. Have students make a cute little art magnet, so parents always have a spot to place special work!

Meet the Teacher Magnet
Meet the Teacher Art Magnet from Teacher Idea Factory

And last but not least is a FREEBIE for you!! I find Meet the Teacher day to be exciting, but it can also be a little chaotic, with multiple parents wanting to talk and ask questions and trying to ‘meet’ each little kinder. I loved the idea of this little scavenger hunt for parents and students to do together, while at Meet the Teacher day. This covers 2 bases for me…gives the students a chance to get to know their new room with their parents, plus it allows me to distribute my time between families, without uncomfortable wait time. I made this to accommodate the places I want my new kinders to visit and get comfortable with, also a chance for the parents to see what is available in the classroom. Each kinder will turn their scavenger hunt in and receive a little treat from me! You can download your own copy HERE!

That’s it…20+ Ideas for Meet the Teacher day! I hope one of them inspires you to add a little something extra special to this fun day!

3 Responses

  1. Hi Abigail,
    My name is Alicia, and I to teach in Vegas and am a Kinder teacher as well! Would love to chat sometime, LOVE your site and ideas!

  2. Hello, I was trying to get the scavenger hunt form, but it would not open. Can you send a new link to it? Is it editable?

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